PDSI and its subsidiary companies – Initiate Consulting, Profile Construction Consultants and Queensborough Project Management have been awarded Cyber Essentials certification for year ending July 2020.
Terry Chapman Group CEO says “Cyber Essentials is just that essential in this day and age and it forms a key part of our defense of the data we hold.”
PDSI Group adopted Cyber Essentials as “best practice” in 2018 when we found our old infrastructure was potentially unsafe. The review process of Cyber Essentials allowed us to challenge every part of our IT and Online infrastructure and to provide our management board with confidence we are complying with GDPR requirements.
It is no coincidence that the Information Commissioners Office with the introduction of GDPR made it abundantly clear that if businesses did not review and address short comings then they could be fined large sums and the principals possibly jailed.
Brad Bamfield said “we involved everyone in the business and our 4 out sourced IT and VoIP telecoms companies in our review and found that new vulnerabilities arise all the time. It is easy to become complacent and assume you are all OK until you find your web site has been breached. Simple steps outlined in Cyber Essential reviews can show you where you need to improve.”
Our certificate number is 9382370780624912 and is dated 12 July 2019
More on Cyber Essentials here
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